Franks 13 Minute FC Castle Drop

Dark Age:
* 6 vils sheep................................................................................................................................................pop 7
* 3 vils wood.................................................................................................................................................pop 10
* 1 vil lure boar............................................................................................................................................pop 11
* 4 vils to mill...............................................................................................................................................pop 15
* start pushing deers towards TC as soon as you've found all 8 sheeps
* lure 2nd boar when 1st boar has 160 food remaining
* 3 vils to boar (10 vils under TC)........................................................................................................pop 18
* 3 vils to berries........................................................................................................................................pop 21
* 1 vil to gether 10 gold before going to berries...........................................................................pop 22
* click Feudal Age

Feudal Age: (09:40)
* queue 2 vils to stone.............................................................................................................................pop 24
* build market with 3 vils
* build blacksmith with 1 vil                                                                                                                                              * sell 100 stone for 91 gold
* click Castle Age
* cut straggler trees around TC till you have 100 wood
* send 10 vils from TC to stone (12 vils on stone)
* sell 100 food for 70ish gold                                                                                                                                          * queue loom in TC                                                                                                                                                                * once 350 stone accumulated, send 1 vil from stone and the 7 vils from berries forward    *send 4 vils from stone to wood                                                                                                                                    * send 3 vils from stone to make farms around TC

Castle Age: (13:10)
* build a castle 2 tiles away from opponents wall (6 tiles from gate) near resources                    * queue the next 5 vils to build farms................................................................................................pop 29 * mine gold/stone (whichever is closest to the castle), if gold, then send new vils to stone      *build 2nd castle inside opponents base                                                                                                                  * abuse the market to reach Imperial Age as soon as possible                                                                    Imperial Age: (24-26:00)                                                                                                                                                  *start trebuchetting your oppenent and make knights/throwing axemen

Original by Professor4K
Repolished by Adalwolf