* 6 vils on sheep

* 4 vils on wood

* Send 1 vil from sheep to get 1st boar once 90 food left on sheep

* 1 vil to the back-corner to build a house + dock and then shore fish

* 1 vil to wood (5 total)

* Queue fishing ships non-stop till you have 9-10

* lure 2nd boar once initial boar has 150-160 food left

* 2 vils to boar (8 total)

* 3 vils to 1st lumber camp

* 7 vils to straggler tree and then 2nd lumber camp (14 total)

* 1 vil build more docks along the coast in the back or optional: in the front

* 2 vils to gold

* Click up to the Feudal Age (32 population)

* Once the sheep and boars are depleted, build a mill on the berries with the 8 vils



* 2 vils to gold

* 2 vils from wood build a Market

* 1 vil from wood build a Blacksmith

* Send 4 vils from berries to gold (8 total)

* Click up to the Castle Age (38 population)

* Research Double-bit Axe

* Research Fletching

* Make sure to have 3-4 docks before reaching Castle Age



* Start queuing Longboats in all your Docks

* Send new vils to gold and wood

* Research 1st. Bodkin Arrow

* Research 2nd. Bow Saw

* Research 3rd. Ballistics

* Research 4th. Gold Mining

* Research 5th. Careening

* Don't boom, opt for earlier Imperial Age instead

* Type 105 in chat

* Boom ezi win gg pp.


-by Adal

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