22pop Migration Grush

Dark Age:
* 5 vils on sheep (only build 1 house)
* 1 vil to wood (House + Lumber Camp)
* Start pushing deer as soon your sheep depletes
* 3 vils to wood (4)
* 1 vil to shore (House + Dock)
* 1 vil to straggler tree
* Make Fishing Ships as soon as you can (4)
* 8 vils to deer/sheep
* Research Loom
* Advance to Feudal Age
* Immediately send vils to straggler trees
* Send 3 vils to wood (7)
* Send 7 vils to 2nd wood (2nd Lumber Camp)
* Send 1 vil to build 2nd Dock + Houses
* Send 4 vils to Gold (Mining Camp)

Feudal Age:
* Queue both Docks with Galleys
* Build 3rd Dock when you can afford it-
whilst maintaining Galley production
* Build Blacksmith
* Build 4th dock near Fish for food
* Continue queuing vils onto wood
* Make more Fishing Ships.

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