Dark Age:
* 6 vils on sheep
* 4 vils on wood (Lumber Camp)
* 1 vil from sheep lure boar
* 1 vil build 1 house then go wood
* 1 vil build Dock + 1 house
* 2 vil to boar
* 1 vil from boar to lure 2nd boar
* Make 4 Fishing Ships as soon as possible
* 5 vils to boar
* Advance to Feudal Age
* Send food fatherers to straggler trees
* Build 2nd Lumber Camp
* Send 4 vils to gold (Mining Camp)
* Build 2nd Dock before reaching Feudal Age + houses

By now you should have:
* 4 vils on gold
* 4 Fishing Ships
* 7 vils on each Lumber Camp (14 total)

Feudal Age:
* Queue both Docks with Fire/Galleys as soon as possible
* Research Double-bit Axe
* Build 3rd Dock as soon as you have enough wood to spare
* 1-3 vils to gold, 1-2 if going for Galleys, 3 is going for Fire Galleys
* Build Blacksmith (If going Galleys)
* Research Fletching (If going Galleys)
* 4 vils to berries (Mill), delay if going for strogner Feudal push
* Build 3rd Lumber Camp or early Market, depending on Strategy
* Add Farms when you can afford it, to advance to Castle Age

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