When facing Civs like Britons, Mayans or Ethiopeans, of which one can typically go for a straight Archer-Rush; so is the best counter to build 1 Archery Range producing Skrimishers, and getting Fletching followed up by Padded Armour in the Blacksmith. You only need 1 Archery Range producing Skrimishers because A, they produce faster at 22 seconds compared to the 35 seconds it takes to produce Archers. And B, You usually won't need more than half as many Skrimishers as your opponent has Archers. Even if your opponent opens with Militias/Man-At-Arms into Archers, and you have opted to counter his initial units with Militias/Man-At-Arms or Scouts, you can simply build a single Archery Range and start producing Skrimishers. If you chose to counter his initial units with Archers it's even easier, and you can mix in Skrimishers along your Archers, which is recommended anyway so that you aren't totally vulnerable and forced to retreat if he were to make Skrimishers of his own. But try not to produce more Skrimishers than is needed, as they will slow down your time advancing to the Castle Age, and as they aren't very good at killing other units nor even villagers. They are purely a defencive unit against Archers.

In Team Games if you are a Cavalry Civ, it's better to alert your closest Ally who should be a Archer Civ, and he'll deal with your opponents Archers while your Scouts harrass their economy or fend off the other opponant who's also going Scouts. Cavalry and Archer civs are usually the best combination in Team Games, as it allows you both to go for your main units without resorting to second-hand units that your Civ doesn't have good bonuses nor tech for.